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Indian Police: A Journey Through History and the Need for Reform

Writer: NLR JournalNLR Journal

By Aryama Singh Rajput, National Law University, Odisha.*


This project aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the Indian Police, from its inception during the British colonial period to its present-day role in maintaining law and order in India. The project begins by exploring the history and functions of the Indian Police under British rule and how they evolved post-independence. It also delves into the abuse of power by the police during the Emergency era and the modern-day challenges that plague the Indian Police, such as corruption, custodial killings, and fake encounter killings. The project concludes with a discussion on the need for reforms and suggests ways in which the Indian Police can be made more efficient, accountable, and better equipped to uphold the law and protect the citizens of India. This project is a comprehensive exploration of the history, challenges, and reforms needed for the Indian Police to become a more effective and trustworthy institution.


* The author is a third-year student pursuing B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) from National Law University, Odisha.


Journal Details
Abbreviation: NLR 

ISSN:   2582-8479 (O)

Year of Starting: 2020

Place: New Delhi, India

Accessibility: Open Access

Peer Reviewer: Double Blind



​All research articles published in NLR and are fully open access. i.e. immediately freely available to read, download and share. Articles are published under the terms of a Creative Commons license which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited.

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Publisher: NLR Journal

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