Publication Policy
The content should not have any unfounded/unproven allegations against anyone.​
The content should not have any defamatory content.​
The content should not accuse anyone based on newspaper reports.​
There should be No Plagiarism. (The manuscript may be put through a plagiarism check and any sort of plagiarism would lead to disqualification)
​The author(s) would be solely liable for any liabilities arising out of any copyright or any other such infringement of any rights of any person.​
The content should be exclusive to us and we shall have all the authority to republish the work anywhere without the author(s)'s prior consent.
The content must not reflect any religious/ political biases.
Any opinion must be stated as an opinion itself and not as a fact.
The author/s would solely be liable for any liabilities arising out of any copyright or any other such infringement of rights of any person.
Submissions should adopt an academic, as opposed to, polemical tone.
Hate language including but not limited to racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, and homophobic speech will not be published. This includes the use of stereotypes and racial tropes and the denial of historical events.