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NLR Journal follows a Double-Blind Peer Review process, which means that both the reviewer's and author's identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa throughout the review process in order to avoid the impact of biases, both obvious and subtle, conscious or unconscious, maybe based on gender, ethnicity, author affiliation, and so on in the peer review process.
Detailed Process:​
1. The Manuscripts received are assigned a manuscript code. (eg. NLR_MN-00160)​
2. After this, all the details of the author are removed from the manuscript.​
3. Now the article is sent to 2 of our Reviewers. ( which are not from our honorary board members)​
4. The piece is then assessed on the basis of content, relevance, language, writing style, comprehension, engagement, presentation, subject, audience and similarity index.​
5. After evaluating the manuscript, both the reviewers assign the manuscript a score out of 10.
6. The manuscripts that get a combined score of 15 or more out of 20 are selected for final publication.
Review Process
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